Wrapping Up MTH

Dear Treasured MendingTheHole Team –

That is, to all the big-hearted believers who have helped us in our email campaign to promote The Hole in Our Gospel among church leadership around the country....

For some months, we have been winding down our effort in favor of a new, broader initiative – still built around The Hole in Our Gospel – that I will tell you more about in the days to come.  So, it is with a deep sense of gratitude for each of you, of celebration, and of natural sadness, that we are announcing an end to our formal, organized email campaign to introduce church leaders to the award-winning book, The Hole in Our Gospel.  Of course, you are free to, and many of us will continue to, promote this prophetic book in our own ways. To this end, World Vision Church Resources will continue to make the discount coupon available just as before, under the same code (mending the hole)....  If I can ever be of any assistance to you, just let me know -- I would love to hear from you.

What a wonderful, and blessed, two years we have had together on the MendingTheHole project!  At this time in 2011, I wrote to you that we had reached dozens of churches and hundreds of believers with The Hole in Our Gospel’s powerful message.  Fast forward to two years later: Together, we have introduced this game-changing book into hundreds of churches, with thousands of copies finding their way into the hands of pastors, leadership circles, small groups, and even whole congregations.

And that is just the beginning of the impact your efforts have had.  As one pastor told us, “God is using you - like the expanding ring in the ruffled pond ."   We’ve heard back from pastors who, after successfully using The Hole in Our Gospel with their congregations, have shared it with other pastors in their networks.  We’ve heard back from pastors who found their missions programs profoundly revitalized as a result of using this amazing book. And, we’ve heard back from pastors who marveled at the impact that their use of The Hole in Our Gospel has had on individuals in their congregations.  And in the future, we know that the ripple effect of your efforts will continue to expand because we’ve heard from many pastors who have sincerely thanked us for the introduction and saved the information for future use... and data collected from our website clearly shows that these intents are indeed being followed up on!

And then, there is the impact of all of this on the world’s poor...  we have no way to even guess at the additional dollars given, or the number of lives changed among the poor, as a result of your efforts – but based on the above, it would be reasonable to say that it’s a pretty significant impact indeed!  As one of our volunteers once said, “I think we might have a few hugs waiting for us in heaven!” – how true! In any event, we can know and trust that our Father has blessed our efforts to His own good purposes. I truly believe that each of you will hear the Master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”   

So – all of this is the legacy of your efforts with MendingTheHole.  

You have made a difference.... let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


Gratefully Yours in Christ,


Posted in Making a Difference.