Extreme Poverty: What are we to do?

Extreme Poverty… choosing which of your children gets to eat today.
What does God expect of us?

Here is a quote pertinent to us as Christians:   It’s not about charity, it’s about justice.   (Bono)

Here’s another: Meanwhile our suffering world waits for signs of God on earth….   God’s plan is that we, the church, are to be the primary evidence of God’s presence.
(Mark Labberton, in The Dangerous Act of Worship)  

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Missing the Point

We recently heard a sermon preached in an evangelical church dismissing St. Francis of Assisi’s oft-quoted adage “Preach the Gospel always; when necessary use words.”   This called to mind one of the lines of thinking upon which we’ve based our work at Givers by Design.

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Standing in the Gap

What is asked of us, as followers of Christ, concerning the desperately poor?

John the Baptist, preaching about bearing fruit consistent with true repentance (Luke 3), put it in very simple terms when the crowd asked “What, then, should we do?” 

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James 1:27

The New Testament writer James, brother of Jesus, wrote in a plain, no-nonsense style that is as applicable today as it was 2000 years ago.  His provocative emphasis on everyday practice – our actions – is a message that is sometimes unpopular, as it exposes the difference between what we think or believe, and what we do.  Chapter 1, verse 27 -- which bears on the question of helping those who suffer in extreme poverty -- is a good example; let’s take a look.

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Let My Heart Be…

Tucked away under the Advocacy tab on this site is a hidden gem -- a marvelous little video (youtube, 7:12) created and produced by the folks at the Life Center church in Spokane, Washington.  This video, our very favorite, is a beautiful, eloquent, and inspiring piece of music/prose that captures the essence of Richard Stearns' award-winning book,
The Hole in Our Gospel.

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Leviticus 19:9-10

Leviticus 19:9-10Throughout Scripture, we learn that God has a special heart for the poor, the vulnerable, the oppressed... a concern that He expects His people to share.  In Leviticus, God instructs them on how they can act on this concern:  a wonderfully clear, simple prescription for how His people can show intentional, compassionate generosity towards the desperately poor.

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Overview: Foundations for Generosity

This archive category will contain discussions exploring Christian foundations for generosity.  Christian generosity has been described as living with an open hand as opposed to a closed fist — a relevant and convicting metaphor for a modern-day consumer culture characterized by independence, busyness, competition, and stress.Continue reading

Donor-Directed Giving


Blessed to be a BlessingArticle Summary:  Christians wishing to address the problem of extreme poverty by giving through their churches face twin challenges.  First, are the projects they support truly effective?  Second is the issue of dilution:  Giving to a church’s general budget results, on average, in only 2% of the gift being applied to lifting those who live in extreme poverty out of their suffering.  While acknowledging that giving directly to parachurch organizations with demonstrated expertise in this field is an effective and biblically sound option, this article makes the case that there are significant advantages to allowing and encouraging congregants to direct sacrificial contributions to these organizations through their local churches.  Among these advantages are the revitalization of local congregations as they focus upon a purpose outside of and larger than themselves, and the enormous positive impact on the broader Church’s witness.  Accordingly, this article advocates (and urges congregants to do the same) for the inclusion of carefully selected parachurch organizations within the local church’s framework of donor-directed giving opportunities.Continue reading

Tackling Goliath

Article Summary:  Many followers of Christ understand the biblical mandate for helping the poor -- and desire to do so.  Standing in the way of this desire is the recognition that extreme poverty is a problem of enormous dimension -- our efforts to help seem tiny by comparison, leading to a sense of futility.  How can our gifts possibly have an impact?  A look at Scripture yields two key truths which we can rely upon as we faithfully obey His command to show tangible compassion towards the world’s least and last.  First is the truth that God is present and active in the fight against extreme poverty; we are not alone in this battle, and indeed, He purposes to win it.  Second is the truth that He is a God of multiplication, multiplying the gifts of the faithful many times over to accomplish His purposes. Relying upon these two scriptural truths, our part is to simply and faithfully bring what we have.  Our gifts, whether they be time, talent, or treasure, do indeed matter – to those whose lives are changed, and to our great God, whose hand is upon all...

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