Key Perspectives

The articles on this page address common, legitimate concerns about the real-world effectiveness of giving to help those who suffer in Extreme Poverty; clearing these roadblocks frees us to give joyfully and generously, with the confidence that our gifts do indeed make a lasting, even transformational, difference.

Key Articles

Effective Giving: Key ArticlesTrends in Effective Giving examines the movement towards using program effectiveness, as opposed to financial ratios, as the top priority in choosing an organization.


Effective Giving: Key ArticlesHelping Well illuminates a proven collection of research-based alternatives to common and well intended but ultimately wasteful and ineffective approaches to poverty alleviation.


Effective Giving: Key ArticlesTop Organizations - Sources & Criteria details the priorities and information we used to construct our list of top Christian humanitarian organizations working with Extreme Poverty.



Go to our list - with reviews - of  Top Christian Humanitarian Organizations


More Articles

Other "clearing-the-roadblocks" articles requested by our users:

  • Tackling Goliath addresses the sense of futility that stems from the overwhelming size and scope of the fight against Extreme Poverty.
  • Donor-Directed Giving describes a win-win solution to the “dilution dilemma” faced by those wishing to give through their churches to make a difference for the world’s least and last.
  • Extreme Poverty, Income Inequality, and The 1% was our most popular blog post ever -- a clear-eyed look at where we fit in to the picture.