
Roadblocks to Effective Giving

"I could give more... I want to give where it will make a real difference!"

Simple statement of fact, lament, or cry of frustration, this statement is an expression of our God-breathed desire to help, to give, to make a difference: we have been built, redeemed, and blessed to do so. This desire reflects the truth that God intends for us to make a difference; and so with this desire comes a concern for giving effectively.

Many would-be givers find themselves stymied by the question, “Will my gifts really make any lasting difference?” During the course of our research, we uncovered some common, very legitimate concerns about the real world effectiveness of giving to help those living in extreme poverty.  Unfortunately, these concerns, or roadblocks, often result in a sense of futility that sidelines many who truly wish to help.

These roadblocks are serious and deserve to be addressed:

  • the seemingly insurmountable size and scope of the problem of extreme poverty;
  • the well-known stories of waste, fraud, corruption, unintended consequences, and ineffectiveness that have surrounded many efforts to help the least and last;
  • well intended but misguided methods for gauging a charity’s effectiveness
  • plethora of choices-- so many organizations, how do I choose?
  • the frustration experienced by those who would prefer to give through their churches, but realize that only a tiny percentage of their contributions go to serve the world’s poorest.

For those who wish to exercise their stewardship privileges intelligently and responsibly, these concerns must be addressed.

Addressing these concerns, removing these roadblocks, is one of the driving purposes behind our work at Givers by Design — check out the articles on the following page……