India Partners

This organization works to bring hope for a brighter tomorrow to those trapped by injustice and poverty by partnering with indigenous organizations to bring opportunities for life changing education and training. 

(Updated October 2018)

The hands and feet of Christ are already present and working in India, in the form of the many projects and helping agencies that the indigenous church there spins off.  India Partners understands the wisdom and effectiveness of partnering with these “rice roots” organizations, who already know who to help and how to best help them – all without the cultural barriers usually faced by western ministries.  By coming alongside these indigenous Christian organizations, India Partners brings the resources and added expertise to help them extend their reach and make their work with the oppressed more effective.

The focus of India Partners’ work is equipping the least and last for self-help and self-sufficiency.  The majority of their partnership projects (and program outlays) focus on creating education and/or vocational training opportunities for those typically excluded from such opportunities  — low-caste peoples, the disabled poor, orphans, and widows.  Notably, these education efforts are supported with the basics (food, water, shelter) often needed to make them work.

In order to better serve their indigenous partner organizations, India Partners works collaboratively with other Christian NGO’s when advantageous, including (on our list) World Vision, Blessings Int’l, Bright Hope Int’l, MAP Int’l, Medical Teams Int’l, and World Concern.

Well targeted, culturally appropriate education and training truly empowers these culturally oppressed, seriously disadvantaged people for self-sufficiency.  Programs are closely monitored and evaluated; evidence of impact can be seen in the high rates of employment among those who graduate from India Partners’ programs.

Special Note:  In the wake of Compassion International’s forced exit from India, support for India Partners’ child sponsorship programs is more productive than ever.

Primary Sector:  Education

Organization Size:  Small — programs are supported by cash contributions totaling $1,000,000 – $3,000,000 annually

Key Webpages: 

The “Ways to Partner” menu serves as a gateway to current projects, including Empowerment for Women and Vocational Training, as well as Child Sponsorship.

Financial Statements:

Contact Information: visit, contact


More information (program and financial accountability) about India Partners
is available from the following organizations:
     Charity Navigator      Charity Watch / AIP  (fee)
X   Guidestar      BBB / Wise Giving Alliance
     Ministry Watch X   ACCORD Network member
     Intelligent Philanthropy  (fee) X   ECFA


Posted in Reviews.